Medication at School
All medication given at school, whether doctor prescribed or over-the-counter, MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE PSD PERMISSION FORM (available above in the medical forms link or in the school health office) Signed by Both the Parent and the Physician. Medication must be provided and brought to school in the original prescription bottle or the over-the-counter container. Medications are to be kept locked up in the school health office and not carried by the student, with the exception of asthma inhalers. With appropriate physician authorization, students who need to use an asthma inhaler, may be allowed to carry it. Authorization for medication administration MUST BE COMPLETED YEARLY.
Wellness at Bacon
Our focus is promoting a healthy lifestyle and instilling healthy choices and habits for all of our Bacon Bulldogs. We want our students to embrace good eating habits and the importance of being active every day.
Here are some things in action that supports wellness…
→Student Birthday Options (healthy snacks, favorite game or activity or additional recess)
→DREAM (Drop Everything And Move) Every day at 10:55 you’ll find all Bacon Bulldogs taking a 3-5 minute exercise break